Turas Press – additions to list for 2019 announced!
Turas Press is delighted to announce that two more writers have been signed to
the Turas Press list for 2019: David Toms’ collection “Northly” and
“Sad Havoc Among the Birds” by DS Maolalai. Although very different
writers, both David and Diarmuid (DS) are hugely accomplished poets with an
impressive track record of publication. Both “Northly” and “Sad
Havoc” are imbued with a quintessentially Irish sensibility, yet are, in
different ways, deeply influenced by the writers’ experience of other countries
and cultures.
David Toms hails from Waterford, spent time in Cork and in Prague and now lives and works in Norway. His previous publications include “Soma | Sema” (Knives, Forks and Spoons Press 2011), as well as several chapbooks including “For the Misanthropic Muse” (Default 2009), “Those Feet and Where they are Going” (Knives, Forks and Spoons Press 2010), and, with Maren Nygård, “dikt / actions osl / ondon” (Smithereens Press 2017). His poetry has also appeared in anthologies including Veersomes #004 (Veer Books 2015), The Elysian (New Binary Press 2017), Wretched Strangers (Boiler House Press 2018) and FREE POETRY: Ireland (Free Poetry 2017) edited by Ellen Dillon. “Northly” will be his first full collection to be published in Ireland.
Diarmuid Maolalai was born in Dublin and began writing poetry when he was studying English Literature at Trinity College. He spent five years travelling, living in Toronto and London and working various dispatch jobs, before returning to Dublin in late 2017.
His first collection, “Love is Breaking Plates in the
Garden” was published in 2016 by Encircle Publications and described by
Frank Montesonti as “done with such craft and immediacy that even the
jaded are compelled to feel again the bewildering, blessed wind of youth’s
finest mistakes”.
Diarmuid’s work has been nominated for Best of the Net and twice nominated for
The Pushcart Prize.
Turas Press is honoured to welcome David and Diarmuid to the Turas Press team. Publication dates will be confirmed soon. “Sad Havoc Among the Birds” will come out in the spring, along with Eithne Lannon’s beautiful “Earth Music” while “Northly” will be published in early autumn. Watch this space!
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