Turas Press is open for submissions during the month of September, 2024. We look forward to reading work received from 1st – 30th September. Because of the volume of submissions, we are not able to read work submitted outside that period. 

Submission guidelines:

  • Please send only completed work, not work-in-progress.
  • No multiple versions of your submission: make sure that the draft you send us is the final draft you want us to read. Unfortunately, we do not have time to read revised versions of your manuscript, so our decision will be based on the first, original version you send us.
  • Send only one submission in a single window.
  • Send manuscripts, by email only, to:


Poetry: Send your full manuscript in a single Word document, with a covering letter in the body of the email. Don’t send zip files with individual poems in single files – format the whole collection as one document. 

Novel: Send up to 10,000 words or the first three chapters of your novel and a one- or two-page synopsis, both attached as Word documents, with a covering letter in the body of the email.

Short story collections: Attach three short stories, up to 10,000 words total, as one single Word document, with a covering letter in the body of the email.

In your covering letter include a brief overview of your writing and publications history to date.

Turas Press welcomes submissions of poetry and fiction which are original, imaginative and interesting. We enjoy formal experimentation but appreciate traditional poetry and prose, too. We are open to a wide range of content and thematic preoccupations, including historical themes, contemporary social and political topics, and interior reflection.   

Allow up to eight weeks for a response.

Because of constraints of time, we can’t, unfortunately, give feedback on submissions. Writers who would like editorial input and/or to workshop their poetry or fiction will find useful information from the Irish Writers’ Centre.